Semi Precious

Semi-precious stone countertops epitomize timeless elegance, elevating any indoor space with their exquisite beauty. These stunning works of art enhance kitchen aesthetics, leaving a lasting impression with their magnificent appearance.

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    Blue Agate

  • Slide title

    Blue agate Back-Lit

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    Blue-White Agate

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    Blue-White Agate Back-Lit

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    Black Agate

  • Slide title

    Black Agate Back-Lit

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    Magenta Agate

  • Slide title

    Magenta Agate Back-Lit


Blue Agate

Level - 6 Semi-precious

Size: 121" x 78" = 65.54 SF

Blue White Agate

Level: 6 Semi-precious

Size: 121" x 78" = 65.54 SF

 Black Agate

Level: 6 Semi-precious

Size: 121" x 78" = 65.54 SF

Magenta Agate

Level: 6 Semi-precious

Size: 121" x 78" = 65.54 SF

Semi-precious stones, containing a blend of precious stones and resin, lack heat resistance due to the resin content. When subjected to high temperatures, the resin can soften or melt, potentially damaging the stone surface. Moreover, the resin makes these slabs vulnerable to UV damage, leading to fading or discoloration over time. Thus, it's crucial to be cautious with semi-precious stone surfaces in heat-exposed areas and limit direct sunlight exposure to maintain their appearance and durability.

Semi-precious countertops offer durability and excellent scratch resistance, surpassing materials like marble and dolomite in durability. This resilience ensures that semi-precious countertops maintain their pristine appearance even in high-traffic areas. Their robust nature makes them a preferred choice for homeowners seeking both aesthetic appeal and long-lasting functionality in their countertops.

Semi-precious countertops demonstrate resistance to staining, although they are not entirely impervious. Despite not being completely stain-proof, these countertops exhibit commendable performance in repelling stains. Their ability to resist staining makes them a practical choice for kitchen and bathroom countertops, where spills and splatters are common. With proper care and maintenance, semi-precious countertops can maintain their appearance and integrity, offering homeowners lasting beauty and functionality in their living spaces.

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